Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of both corrections and questions that have been asked since Siege Command has entered it’s final state. If you have questions that aren’t addressed here, feel free to email us via the contact form, or ask the community on our BoardGameGeek page.

Q: The Energy cost of “Freeze” is different on the card and player reference. Which one is correct?

A: The “Freeze” spell costs 2 Energy.

This was an unfortunate misprint in the base game that escaped our proofing efforts. Please always reference the Energy cost printed on the cards in the event that there is ever a conflict.

Q: How do the advanced Terrain cards work with the Battlefield Mat?

A: Setup like normal, then remove Basic Terrain cards

Follow the Battlefield Setup as described in the rulebook for the expansion being used as if you were playing without the Battlefield Mat. After flipping all Terrain cards face-up, remove any basic Terrain cards, leaving only the advanced Terrain cards in place.

Q: How are the Player Mats used?

A: See below for suggested use:

  • Place the Player Mats in each player’s planning area at each end of the Battlefield

  • Place Units (and Bluff cards if playing without the screens) like normal, as indicated on the Player Mat artwork via light shining through the gates along the top edge of the mat.

  • Store Energy Tokens in the circle of Arcane Energy on the right side of the mat

  • Place any Spells played during the Planning Phase into the 6 spaces along the bottom of the mat indicated via cracked earth.

    • If using the Player Screens, you can place your entire hand of Prepared Spells in these spaces, and simply flip them face-up when you wish to play them during the Planning Phase.

Q: How are the Player Screens used?

A: See below for suggested use:

  • Return both players’ Bluff cards and HP trackers to the game box.

  • Place a Red Wound Clip on the top edge of both Screens, using the track located there for each player’s HP

  • During the Planning Phase, both players place their Screens at their edge of the Battlefield, allowing them to freely deploy Units and Spells without needing the turn them face-down.

    • It is suggested that players also organize their Energy Tokens allocated for each deployed card during this time to ensure they can afford everything.

  • Once both players are ready to move on from the Planning Phase, both players simultaneously set their screens aside to reveal their planning area.

Q: Do Wound clips affect a Unit’s Siege Damage?

A: No - wounded Units always deal their full printed Siege Damage amount

Q: Does a Unit in the Planning Area block an enemy Unit from dealing Siege Damage in the same lane?

A: No - the enemy Unit collides with the wall, dealing Siege Damage like normal. Units in the Planning area have no affect until they are resolved.

Q: What happens if a Spell cannot be resolved?

A: The player who cast the spell pays the Energy cost and places the Spell in Cooldown just as if the Spell was resolved.

Q: (Expansion 1: The Conclave Wars) The Conduit unit says that it can store a max of 5 energy tokens, but the rules say the max is 3. Which is correct?

A: Both are correct! The normal max is 3, but the Conduit can store 2 additional energy tokens - up to a max of 5.